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Healthcare misconceptions from 98 healthcare executives

August 14, 2024 - Becker's Hospital Review


MSU Health Care Chief Medical Officer Dr. Michael Weiner

Originally published August 1, 2024 on

Becker's asked C-suite executives from hospitals and health systems across the U.S. to share the biggest misconception about healthcare this year.

Michael Weiner, DO. Chief Medical Officer of MSU Health Care at Michigan State University (East Lansing,): “Telemedicine is a Temporary Solution.”

Many believe that telemedicine was a stopgap measure necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic and that in-person visits will completely replace it. 

However, telemedicine has proven to be an effective, convenient, and often preferred method of delivering care for many patients and conditions.  

Not only mental and behavioral support but many initial and routine follow up appointments. 

Telehealth is likely to remain a significant component of healthcare delivery, as long as CMS continues to support payment for these visits.

Read the full article here.