Patient Portal


What if I have questions about my MSU Health Care Statement?

Look for the contact phone number listed on your statement.

Sports Medicine: (517) 884-6100
Psychiatry:         (517) 432-3348

For all other clinics, please call the number that corresponds with the first letter of your last name.

A-G: (517) 355-5100
H-O: (517) 355-5101
P-Z:  (517) 355-5127

Toll Free Number: (800) 964-3968

Who do I call with general MSU Health Care questions?

For general MSU Health Care information,
please call: (517) 353-3000

If you are outside the area,
you can call using our toll free line: (800) 353-3464

For both numbers, you will reach a phone directory.
Stay on the line or press "zero" (0) for assistance.

We are normally available Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you are calling outside these hours, please leave a message.

How do I contact my clinic or doctor?

You have a few options to contact your doctor.

By Phone:
Call the location where you normally see your provider. If your provider isn’t in, you should be given the option to leave a message for your provider. If you don’t know the location’s phone number, you can find it on their web page. All our locations can be accessed through our directory listing.

By Patient Portal:
Our patient portal is called MyMSUHealth. If you have a MyMSUHealth account, you are able to send a message to your provider.